DDoS Attacks Surge: New Research Reveals Alarming Trends

Resurgence of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks

Recent research from F5 Labs has uncovered a significant resurgence in DDoS attacks. These malicious attempts to overwhelm websites and online services have witnessed an alarming growth, affecting various sectors worldwide.

Key Findings

  • The Technology sector leads with the highest number of DDoS attacks.
  • The retail sector experiences a 19% increase in attacks.
  • Silverline mitigates its largest-ever DDoS attack, peaking at nearly 14 million requests per second.
  • Application layer attacks surge by 165%.
  • The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region witnesses a dramatic 183% increase in DDoS attacks.
  • The FinTech sector faces a substantial spike in application layer attacks.
  • Over 10 million DDoS attacks were recorded globally in 2020.

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